章节目录 第1709章 秀翻全场(2 / 2)
作品:《我在非洲当酋长》“god,i wish that i was that lollipop stick。(上帝,我多希望我是那根棒棒糖,)”
“it is your beautiful smile that got me locked in(你甜美的微笑已经把我给牢牢锁定)”
“this song is for you,kari kari boo(这首歌送给你我的嘉丽嘉丽宝贝)”
“i konw i got an 8 maybe this can add a 2(我知道你刚才给我评了八分,或许因为这首歌你能给我加两分。)”
“get you on a plane and fly to malibu,take you to the beaches wanna take you to a zoo(想带你坐飞机去马里布,去那里的沙滩和那里的动物园)”
“hold on,but wait, you did say i am poor(等下,你说过我没钱)?”
“but i can buy you ton of lollipops,baby thats for sure.(但是宝贝我能向你保证我可以给你买很多棒棒糖)”
“cuz thats the one thing i can afford(这个事情我还是能负担得起的)”
“i will look into it more and more(我会想想办法做的更多)”
“you prolly got a pool but i am different than the rest(你有一个泳池但我和其他人不一样)”
“i know you gotta choose,now i hope i passed the test(我知道你有很多选择但是我希望我通过了考验)”
“i wanna ask you something if you say yes(如果你同意我的追求的话我想问你一件事情)”
“i swear i will never ever give you any less(我发誓今后永远不会让你受委屈)”
“so kari,do you give me your number?(所以,嘉丽,你能给我电话号码吗)”